Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Malaria Pills

Day -19

Hello everyone!

Here's the information on Malaria pills that you will need before going for the camp. Do seek your parents for assistance and consult your doctor before choosing the pill which is best for you!

There are two ways to go about your Anti Malaria Prophylaxis:



    1. This drug is to be taken on a WEEKLY BASIS.
    2. Take the first dose ONE WEEK BEFORE DEPARTURE, and one every week for the entire duration of your stay. Continue until FOUR WEEKS AFTER YOUR RETURN.
    3. This drug is relatively much costlier than Doxycycline, at approximately S$4.20 per tablet.
    4. This drug is not stocked by all doctors, so do check with your doctor over the phone whether he / she carries it before you head down to see him / her.



    1. This drug is to be taken on a DAILY BASIS.
    2. Take the first dose ONE TO TWO DAYS BEFORE DEPARTURE, and one EVERY DAY for the entire duration of your stay. Continue until SEVEN DAYS UPON RETURN.
    3. This drug is relatively much cheaper than Mefloquine, at approximately S$0.20 per capsule.
    4. Doxycycline has also less severe side-effects than Mefloquine for most people.
    5. Those who are allergic to TETRACYCLINE family of antibiotics are advised against taking this drug. It must also NOT be taken with calcium products (e.g. Milk, Soya Milk, etc). It must be taken WITH MEALS (not before or after).
    6. You may purchase this from Chong’s Medical Clinic at Singapore Shopping Centre, Level 1.

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